If you would like to


Create and/or become responsible for a professional club to animate the network of Alumni who share your interests

Referent : Charles Loiselet

Create and/or become responsible for an international group to animate the network of Alumni living in the same country as you (cf brochure)

Referents : 
Emmanuel Guillaume (Asie)
Servane Berrier (Amériques)
Claire Lescure (Europe)
Céline Seneville (Moyen Orient)

Join the Ambassadors Unit to support the development of international groups in the same region of the world (cf brochure)

Organise an event (conference, round table, evening...) with/for the Alumni

Referent : Albane Thouery 


Find more about the association

Referents :
Roxane Slama
Andréa De Goyon
Marine Talabart

Offer reduced rates on services, products or leisure activities to Alumni

Be highlighted in a future communication (Linkedin post and/or newsletter)

Share job offers (fixed-term, permanent, VIE)

Directly on the website :
Career -> Jobs -> Post an offer